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409 Main Street, Fultondale, AL 35068

Our Missions ministry exists to equip and send the body of Christ to multiply disciples, reach the lost, serve the hurting, plant churches, and join God wherever He’s at work. From local opportunities to mission trips here and across the globe, you’ll find dozens of opportunities to follow God where He’s leading you.

International Missions

FFBC partners with the SBC’s International Mission Board to spread the gospel all over the globe.  Over 6,000 people groups – 1.7 billion people – still live with little or no access to the Gospel.  Through this partnership, our church supports over 3,900 missionaries worldwide and their efforts in spreading the love of Christ through World Hunger efforts, Water Missions efforts, church planting, disciple-making, and many other avenues.  We believe this partnership is making a major difference in expanding God’s kingdom on earth.

North American Missions

Our church partners with the North American Missions Board through the SBC Cooperative Program each year.  NAMB reports over 1500 new church starts each year.  In addition, through our partnership with NAMB, we are able to support Disaster Relief and Evangelism efforts throughout our nation.  Through this program we currently support thousands of missionaries serving all over the country.  We will also participate in missions projects and trips throughout North America to help spread the good news about Jesus.

State Missions

FFBC partners with the Alabama State Board of Missions and the state WMU in order to help fulfill our Acts 1:8 strategy of reaching the world for Christ.  Our church participates in events and projects including Disaster Relief, construction and reconstruction projects, and Collegiate Student ministries.  Our desire is to make an eternal impact on our state for Christ.

Community Food Bank

Our church partners with the Fultondale Community Ministries to serve those in need in our community through the Community Food Bank. Each month, volunteers help register, counsel, and assist food recipients at the Food Bank. This ministry makes a real difference in our community.