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409 Main Street, Fultondale, AL 35068

Spiritual Gifts Inventory


This is not a test, so there are no wrong answers! This Spiritual Gifts Inventory includes 42 statements. Some statements reflect concrete actions, while others are more like descriptive traits, and others are more belief statements.

For each statement, please select the one response you feel best characterizes yourself. Do not spend too much time on any one statement. Remember, it’s not a test. Usually your initial response is the best.

Don’t skip any items. Work at your own pace.

For each statement, your choices are:
5 – Highly characteristic of me/definitely true for me
4 – Most of the time this would describe me/be true for me
3 – Frequently characteristic of me/true for me–about 50% of the time
2 – Occasionally characteristic of me/true for me–about 25% of the time
1 – Not at all characteristic of me/definitely not true for me